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Quick Reviews

home equity comparison Home Equity Comparison
a comparison review between home equity lines of credit and home equity loans
home equity calculators Home Equity Calculators
monthly payment - payment comparisons - affordability - ratio calculation - how much you can borrow LTV
home equity features Product Features
lending features of home equity credit lines vs. home equity loans
home equity tools Home Equity Tools
free forms and worksheets - equity tid-bits - credit management - budget management - expense reduction
home equity uses Home Equity Uses and Tips
life-event review how your home equity can be used for home improvement - consolidating debts -other
home equity rates Negotiating Interest Rates
understanding home equity rates - lender negotiation tactics
qualify for financing Getting Qualified for a Financing
reviews the qualifications criteria that lenders use when reviewing your home equity application.
home equity shopping sheet Shop Lenders Sheet
Use this sheet to shop lenders and keep track of quoted mortgage rates and terms
effect tax table Effective Tax Table
estimate your effective tax rate when you deduct qualifying interest charges from your taxes
home valuation reports Home Market Valuation Reports
run your personal home and neighborhood valuation report to estimate your borrowing position
bank equity module Bank Equity Module
an illustrative review how to use your equity as a banker when financing your needs
credit check Credit Check
understand how lenders view your credit report and score - view your own report to fix errors